The greatest thing about Mexican cooking is the accessibility of it. Most dishes are really easy to make. They always include fiery flavors that will put your taste buds to a test.
The mixture of vegetables and meat along dairy makes for watery-mouth recipes that appeal to every family member.
Mexican dishes have stormed American tables much to the delight of many people. One of the greatest things The Internet has given us is access to cooking secrets of other countries.
You and your family can get a new flavor on your table each new day as long as you put a little imagination into it. And do some searching online. Today we are taking the Mexican flavor to an American classic: The casserole.
Casseroles are usually associated by the American people with a way to deal with leftovers, or as quick plates made in the oven to fix an uncomplicated lunch. They are usually more associated with pasta or Italian dishes such as lasagna.
Do you want to eat Mexican in your home? You better forget about Taco Bell and Chipotle. They may be crowd pleasers for the masses, but you want the real flavor of Mexican cuisine.
Now is the time to address the situation by making your own Mexican plate at home. So let’s take a day to practice our cooking abilities and make some Nacho Enchilada Casserole.
Nacho Enchilada Casserole!
To set this up we’ll need these ingredients, the measure of seasonings are left to your liking:
- 2 pounds of ground beef
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Garlic
- Taco seasoning of your choice
- 2 cans of enchilada sauce
- 1 can of roasted tomatoes
- 1 large zucchini
- White tortilla shells
- 3 cups of cheddar cheese, shredded
- Half a bag of nacho chips.
1) First, you should preheat your oven to 350° this dish is not hard to make and neither takes much time. So set up the oven before starting.
2) Take a large skillet and heat it up. Drop some olive oil and put your ground beef on it. Cook it until is light brown. Star to combine gradually one of the cans of enchilada sauce, the salt and pepper, the taco seasoning and the canned tomatoes. Keep combining with a palette for 5 minutes.
3) Now take the zucchini and chop the garlic with a knife. Add them both to meat in the skillet and keep combing them. Simmer all of it for 10 minutes.
4) Take the casserole dish of your choice and use half a can of enchilada sauce to fill the bottom and sides of it. (The same way you grease a pan for a cake or pie)
5) Now you smash the tortilla shells really good and place them at the bottom of the casserole. Try to make it work the same way you would do to make a pie crust. Let it set for 5 minutes.
5) Time to add the meat preparation. Spoon it firmly until you fill 2/3 of the casserole. Top the meat with the shredded cheddar and sprinkle it with crushed nacho chips. Add the remaining enchilada sauce.
6) Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until the edges of the casserole look crisp and bubbly. You can check if it’s done by placing a knife inside of it (tip: if the knife comes out dry, it’s done)
As crowd-pleasers go, this dish will win you an audience. It combines some of the great flavors of Mexico and is an ideal serving for a brunch or lunch. It can be served with a side of avocado. Or some classic “Pico de Gallo” a very easy to make a salad based on chopped tomatoes, onions, celery.
Add a touch of parsley with the oil of your preference and you are set.
This is just one of the great experiences we can give to our family by surprising them with a different dish. It’s easy to make, and it’s full of flavor. You can make your own mixes to enhance it.
Keep in mind that there is no wrong way to cook as long as a result is delicious for you.
Make it, taste it, flavor it, enjoy it!